Sundays at 9:30am – You Are Invited!


If you have questions or want more information, please contact Jan Dwyer.


CROSSFIRES –   Room B213 (Conference Room)

Class Composition: Mixed gender class with both singles and couples, primarily ages 50-75
Focus: Study series that are Bible-based with a practical application in modern life.  We are a group that supports each other in our faith and our difficulties and joys.
Contact: Anne Bender (770-757-2761)

FAITH TIES –  Room B304

Class Composition: Mixture of single adults and married couples
Focus: Studies are carefully chosen to heighten our knowledge of the Bible and teach us ways to live a Christ-like life in the 21st Century.

Currently studying the Gospel of Matthew.

EVERYONE is welcome to this group.  There are three rules:

  1. No politics
  2. You don’t have to be prepared (although, it is encouraged)
  3. You DO NOT have to be on time

Contact: Donna Hill (770 274-9724 )  Email:

Curriculum: Bob Hubbard



Class Composition: Senior adult singles and senior married couples
Focus: Bible study and Christian Study of life’s applications of the Word

Group Contact: Rick Adams (770 680 5811) Email:

KOINONIA –  Room B313

Class Composition: Adults ages 35 – 90
Focus: Koinonia means “Christian love & fellowship & we think that is the best description of our group.  Many of us are long-time members (instead of “old”) of Cannon and we welcome all looking for a Sunday School Class to join us.

We like to do short term studies (many by Adam Hamilton and Andy Stanley) covering all aspects of the Christian life & then applying the Bible to our everyday lives.

On June 2nd we’ll start a lesson by Andy Stanley titled “Faith, Hope & Luck”, highlighting the difference between faith & hope, and what we can expect from God when we come to Him with a request.

Please join us!

Contacts:  Bob Cline (770 543 8231) & Diane Cline (770 317 0751)

Email: bcline1027@comcast .net


Come and join our active and fun group connecting families with young children to one another. Our focus is on pursuing God, building strong marriages, and growing Godly children. We also enjoy social activities together.

Contact: Laurel Tucker  Email:

Belle Baker  Email:

OUTLAWS –  Room B302

Class Composition: Mixture of single adults and married couples
Focus: To remain dedicated to the studies of becoming a better Christ follower

Group Leader: Rose Purdy  (404 234 1680)  Email: